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Local Complaints- The Dangers of Overgrown and Neglected Land

When land is left overgrown and neglected, it can pose a serious threat to the public. High grass, weeds, and brush can provide hiding places for pests. They can also block views of oncoming traffic, making roads more dangerous. If you have an overgrown property, it’s essential to take action to clear it as soon as possible.

Here are six dangers of unsightly, overgrown and neglected land:

  • Hiding Places for Rodents and Pests
  • Block Views of Oncoming Traffic
  • Fire Hazards
  • Attracts Trespassers
  • Reduces Property Value
  • Property Fines 

Read on below to learn more about each of these hazardous and unsightly problems in detail. 

1) Unsightly Hiding Places for Rodents and Pests

One of the most obvious dangers of overgrown land is that it provides hiding places for pests. High grass, weeds, and brush can give all kinds of pests a place to hide. They can also provide shelter for animals like snakes and rodents. 

2) Block Views of Oncoming Traffic

Overgrown land can also block views of oncoming traffic, making roads more dangerous. If you have an overgrown lot near a busy street, it’s important to clear the area as soon as possible. This will help improve visibility for drivers and make the roadway safer for everyone.

3) Neighborhood Fire Hazards

Another danger of overgrown land is that it can create a fire hazard. Dry grass, weeds, and brush are highly combustible materials that can easily catch fire if they come into contact with a heat source like a cigarette butt or sparks from a car engine. 

4) Attracts Trespassers

Overgrown land can also attract trespassers onto your property. For example, if your property is covered in high grass, weeds, or brush, it may be tempting for people to walk through it or even camp out in it without your permission. 

5) Reduces Property Value

One of the dangers of overgrown land is that it can reduce the value of your property. If you’re thinking about selling your home or business, potential buyers will be less likely to pay top dollar if they see that the property requires some serious landscaping work. To get the best price for your property, it’s essential to take action to clear any overgrowth before putting it on the market.

6) You Could Get Fined for Neglecting Your Property 

In some cases, neglected properties can be considered a public nuisance. If the city receives complaints about your property, they may notify you to clean it up or face fines. In extreme cases, the city may even condemn your property, resulting in even more fines.

As you can see, there are many dangers associated with overgrown land. From providing hiding places for rodents and pests to reducing your property value and potential fines from the city, it’s essential to take action to clear any overgrowth on your land as soon as possible. By doing so, you’ll be helping to keep your community safe and preventing problems down the road.


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